The Aviation Boatswain Mates Prayer
I am convinced,Our Father,that your fondest feelings are reserved
for the least pretentious and the most genuine of us.
I am sure that Aviation Boatswain Mates' are
some of your favorites.
Certainly Aviation Boatswain Mates' have yet to find the virtues of
humility,or soft-spokenness or gentleness....
They do lead with their jaws....
And they always seem to be more ready to fight than to switch.
They can be singled out by their red eyes,and by a grubbiness which
is a mark of their trade.
But their wills match their strong backs....
And their love of each other is a wondrous thing to behold.
They are the salt of the deck....
And the saltiness is honest and open....
And they are uniquely Your sons.
We are greatful for them....
As you love them specially,
we mark them particularly tonight.
Bless them every one...
And forever keep them from harm and hurt....